Hemp Garden Mulch

Applying hemp garden mulch.
Hemp garden mulch can be easily added to all your flower and vegetable beds

Hemp mulch offers multiple advantages over traditional wood mulch. Sustainable benefits include: hemp is grown organically, which eliminates dangerous herbicides or pesticides that may be present in other mulches. In addition, hemp is a natural insecticide, and biodegradable. As the pH neutral mulch decomposes, it turns into humus, which will add valuable nutrients back to the soil and naturally promotes microbial and plant growth.

Another benefit is that hemp mulch can absorb approximately 50 percent more water than traditional types of mulch according to reports from several of our customers. Hemp’s absorbing properties help with water conservation, keeping the soil moist as well as providing protection for growing plants or animals against temperatures that become too hot or too cold. Hemp mulch serves as a weather barrier against extreme temperatures, whether in the cold of winter or in relentless heat, hemp mulch maintains its effectiveness.

“I have been pleasantly surprised at how, with just one or two applications of this hemp mulch, I observed more water retention from my drip lines among my vegetable garden, which enabled me to cut back on the watering. As well, I noticed I was combatting less of the seasonal pests I usually work hard to mitigate. I’m looking forward to doing more trials on my beds this upcoming season.”

– Mark
Boulder, CO

“Last season was the first time I used garden hemp mulch from CHAMP.  I was amazed at the water retention in my plants, both in my big, smart pots and in the soil and they were completely weed proof for the rest of the growing season. I highly recommend it.”

– Jim

Hemp mulch is a natural, renewable alternative to traditional mulches that help you protect against weeds in your garden. Hemp mulch provides a natural barrier against the never-ending weeds that pop up around our cherished plants. As a result, you can greatly reduce the need for herbicides or pesticides in growing crops as hemp is a natural insecticide.

Hemp garden mulch

As hemp makes it’s way into your garden, you may also notice the increased nutrient and water retention properties it brings.  The pH natural characteristics of hemp mulch create a richer hummus with a bulkier density in the soil. Earthworms are attracted to the microorganisms and biota properties found in hemp mulch.

Hemp mulch is soft and easy to spread around your garden plants, mixed into soil and sprinkled along garden edges. Customers report our hemp mulch as 50% more absorbent than other types of mulch, and degrades significantly faster than other mulches making it easy to clean up.